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The Franco-American Library

The Franco-American Library

Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt - RMN-GP / A. Didierjean
 © Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt - RMN-GP / A. Didierjean

With more than six thousand volumes, the Blérancourt museum library forms a unique foundation of the French/American relations. The heart of the collection was built up by the first museum’s curator, André Girodie and benefited from numerous donations from Anne Muray Vail.

Located on the ground floor of the southern pavilion, the library offers a large range of works, old and new, whose thematic diversity reflects that of the museum: literary works, diplomatic works, military texts, first-hand accounts written by those who played a role in the two world wars as well as a large section on American art of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Free access to the library, the document resources, and the archives on written request addressed to the curator in charge of the Franco-American museum of the Château de Blérancourt.

The Pavilion was re-opened to the public in 2011 thanks to the support of the Amis français du musée association.

Consult our library catalogue !

For more information on Franco-American relations, consult :

France in America : website created by the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the Library of Congress.

The photo agency of the Rmn-GP : website collecting all photographs of the museum's artworks.


Document resources

Located on the first floor, documentation resources is made up of four sections: works of art, artists, famous people and themes connected to French/American relations.

The works of art files

The works of art are classified according to their artistic domain: painting, sculpture, engravings, designs, medals, posters, photographs, as well as objects.

The artists files

This second category brings together the files concerning artists, either artists whose artwork the museum possesses, or whose work is in relation with the themes developed in the museum plan or with the history of the estate. These artists are grouped into four domains of artistic expression: sculptors, painters, architects and photographers.

Famous people

This subject index classifies people who played an important role in the history of French/American relations.

Thematic files

The last part of the document resources classification brings together the various places, organisations and events that impacted the relations between old Europe and young America.



Located on the first floor of the pavilion, the archives owned by the National Museum of Franco-American Cooperation deal mainly with the history of the estate as well as its humanitarian aid role in Picardy.
A large number of documents from the American Committee for Devastated France (A.C.D.F), from the Lafayette Squadron and from the American Field Service (A.F.S.) are also conserved in this building.


(C) Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt - RMN-GP / A. Didierjean
 © Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt - RMN-GP / A. Didierjean


(C) Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt - RMN-GP / A. Didierjean
 © Musée franco-américain du Château de Blérancourt - RMN-GP / A. Didierjean